Saturday 18 May 2013

Holiday is over. Back to being hijacked by the approval and application document for the pending NorthTec BAW (applied writing). Have been reading papers from TEXT the online AAWP journal and have found some great material about practice based research, the value of online forums for discussion and various theories behind the composition of writing.
I used to write intuitively without thinking about the reasons why I structured words in a particular way. Then I started teaching and had to think about what I was doing to share the knowledge. Now, eleven years on, I'm researching for new text to show the theory behind techniques. It's a different world from my own writing but just as fascinating.  

Friday 10 May 2013

Chasing Silver

My first post on the blog. Not something I imagined doing but Keith put a link up on my website and he now tells me there have been six hits, so here goes.
I'm finally back into writing Chasing Silver and am determined to continue every morning until I'm finished - well minus the mornings I have meetings in town for NorthTec of course. It feels so good to have the words flowing again and being able to slip into Papers Past through the internet to do the odd bit of research still needed. Beats sitting reading the papers on film at the library. At the moment I'm chasing up the price wood ear fungus was sold for in 1890. I know I've seen the answer somewhere, and recorded it, but I can't remember where. Oh well - back to work.